HeartMath® for Organizations
“Why does your organization need everyone using HeartMath® daily?”
Attention: CEO’s and Executive Management!
Reduce the stress levels in your organization and increase resilient coherent ways when constant changes occur in your working environment.
Stress poisons us. Every stressful event floods us with stress hormones, as harmful to our bodies as rivers of acid. The more stress we have, the more difficult it is for our cardiovascular system, our immune system and even our brains to function well. Chronic stress, left unchecked, can cause serious disease and life-threatening situations. Imagine having a highly coherent environment in your organization where all employees…
Feel better more often
Boost their performance
Strengthen their relationships
Communicate clearly and calmly
Enhance decision making and creativity
Creating a coherent environment, personally and professionally, starts from engaging the heart by shifting to appreciation, compassion or any positive emotion; thus our heart rhythms immediately shift. This electrical shift in the heart creates a favorable cascade of neural, hormonal and biochemical events that benefit the entire body. When you learn the basic physiology and science of the body’s reaction to positive emotions, life-changing experiences occur.
How? By learning and incorporating easy, practical tools and techniques daily to stop the energy drains caused by stressful situations and relationships, resiliency builds in your physiology for better health and well-being…immediately. Everyone benefits, from you as an Executive, to your front line employees. HeartMath® is the only scientifically-validated system of stress intervention techniques and objective biometric feedback that quantifiably—and dramatically—boosts the health and performance of individuals and organizations.
Nearly 1400 people at six global companies showed the following results were sustained after six months after taking HeartMath® training:
60% reduction in anxiety
45% reduction in exhaustion
41% reduction in intent to leave job
24% improvement in the ability to focus
25% improvement in listening ability
17% improvement in home/work conflict
As a HeartMath® licensed coach and certified trainer, Lisa A. Clayton has years of experience, expertise and testimonials of proven success that will greatly benefit you as a leader and your organization. Some of the key testimonials and results are:
Managers experienced improvement in both their employee’s performance and their own performance, especially when dealing with critical decision making and recovery methods.
Management and staff reported more work/life balance.
Staff reported personal and professional relationships improved considerably.
Less absenteeism and decreased worker comp claims occurred.
Communication in meetings and coaching sessions improved; shortening times in meetings and positive results happening during and after individual coaching sessions.
In a senior living organization, agitation levels of residents lowered. Caretakers reported less stressful incidents with both residents and family members.
By implementing the project management phases of HeartMath® led by Lisa A. Clayton, excitement builds throughout your organization during each phase, as enthusiastic success for using the tools and techniques is shared among management and staff. Lisa provides exceptional inspiration every step of the way, along with customized strategies to meet the specific needs of your organization. This unique approach has led to highly successful outcomes for both individuals and organizations.
Phase One: Executive Management Coaching
Six one-hour Weekly Coaching Sessions:
The fact is you can’t eliminate stress from your life. The good news is you can learn how to manage and reverse the damage it can cause and realign to focus on what matters most to you. The Revitalize You!® coaching program provides simple, practical tools and techniques to reduce your stress, increase your vitality and improve your health and well-being. This focused and practical program combines personalized coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
Program objectives include:
Understand the relationship between emotions, stress, performance and health.
Recognize and disengage from the negative impact stress has on your body and mind.
Become skilled at the foundational techniques in the HeartMath® System.
Restore nervous system health.
Increase resilience, vitality and feel better more often.
Revitalize relationships.
Phase Two: Management Team Training
Six-hour Group Training Workshop:
The Resilience Advantage™ is a training program for managers to develop skills for personal and professional effectiveness. It is recommended to conduct two 3-hour sessions three weeks apart so techniques can be practiced and reinforced together as a team, one technique per week. By the end of six weeks, each highlighted technique or tool has been practiced and integrated into daily situations.
In this skill-based program, you will learn practical tools and strategies to strengthen resiliency and improve decision-making. Based upon the Institute of HeartMath’s research into the physiology of optimal performance, you will walk away with concrete practices that increase well-being, mental clarity and emotional stability.
Workshop topics include:
The latest findings from optimal-performance research.
Skills for building resilience in the face of change and uncertainty.
Intelligent energy self-regulation techniques.
How to better access intuition for improved decision-making.
Practical ideas for easily integrating valuable tools into everyday routines.
After The Resilience Advantage training sessions are completed, management reinforcement refreshers are provided by HeartMath® certified trainer which are 60-90 minute sessions in timeframes that are appropriate for the organization. Refreshers are recommended every 6-8 weeks.
Phase Three: Staff Training
30-minute Weekly Training Sessions:
Staff attends a highly interactive training session each week for 30 minutes covering one foundational technique in the HeartMath® System, delivered by HeartMath certified trainer. Focused practice, highlighting the technique covered each week, is reinforced by management with staff until the next session.
Phase Four: Reinforcement and Refreshers
Reinforcement Learning Modules:
Learning modules are provided for managers to deliver during daily staff meetings or all employee gatherings. Modules are 5-15 minutes in length and cover topics to reinforce heart-focused care to create a coherent environment for residents and families. Sample topics include kindness, compassion, trust, reliability, empathy and respect. Each lesson also suggests HeartMath® techniques to practice and integrate daily, especially in specific situations with residents and families.
Refreshers: Refreshers are delivered on an as need basis to staff and management by a HeartMath® certified trainer. These are highly interactive sessions reviewing tools and techniques along with sharing success stories from staff and management.
"Lisa's leadership coaching with our team made a tremendous difference to our organization. In both group and one on one, all levels connected to and were empowered by her inspiration and guidance to create their own team or individual vision, goals and process. In the end, strong leadership, communication and exceptional outcomes resulted!"
Andrew Badoud
Executive Vice President, Operations