Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

AWE Magic Mantras

Each month, close to a new or full moon, beautiful AWE magic mantras are received to align with the present Earth energy, soul consciousness states and our heart’s power.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

AWE Wisdom Ways

The Inner Leader Movement was founded upon the guidance based on my life experiences, expertise in teaching leadership and developing learning process methods with application tools.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Breaking Apart to Be Free

We have been going through intense periods of Cosmic sky influences, and our soul is growing and expanding into the era of soul consciousness. Since the end of July, our souls have been shaking us to break free from the old paradigms of living.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Peace, Harmony and Balance

Receiving daily transmissions from the Angelic Cosmic Collective since May 1st has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Before this current life cycle, I channeled Angel messages from Serenity Bluff overlooking the grandeur of the Pacific ocean and near where I lived. Changes in life service with daily activities provided a new focus for receiving messages as Serenity Bluff was also eroding into the sea.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Dirt Under My Nails

As a seasoned gardener with a soul designed to take care of plants, flowers and trees, I have created gardens in every living space I have inhabited since a small child.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Summer Soul Sensations

As we experienced the solstice on June 20th with the light frequencies on earth increasing substantially, many of us have felt significant shifts; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Create “Stillness Meetings” Daily

I am enjoying receiving transmissions each morning as the early dawn arrives. Our Inner Leader Cosmic Collective provides many channels to tune into. The Angels are the main facilitators or gatekeepers of the Cosmic channels that are resonate with our evolutionary state, our soul blueprint and soul mission.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

The Heart of Angels

In April I was given specific guidance to channel new messages and information from the Angelic realm who are the main facilitators for the Cosmic Collective; a group of spiritual beings assigned to the Inner Leader Movement.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Current Energy Updates and Cosmic Collective Insights

As we close a huge cycle of Astro-energy events and embarking upon the height of spring with the celebration of Beltane/May Day, the Cosmic Collective, the star system assigned to the Inner Leader Movement provided these insights.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Eclipsing Energies and Inner Leader Guidance

The recent total solar eclipse brought forward a unity consciousness we have not experienced for decades. People gathered from all over the world singing, dancing and cheering as the earth moved into the path of the sun and moon.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

How would you define magic?

This is a question the Guides have been recently asking us, as Inner Leaders, to answer. In the 3rd dimension world, magic has traditionally been demonstrated by performers making objects disappear or appear which provided a form of entertainment and amazement.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Honoring our Nature Spirit Being-ness

As the clocks moved forward and our upcoming Equinox bringing forth new birth of the spring season, I was reminded by the Cosmic Collective how important it is we honor our nature spirit being-ness.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Amplify and Apply Your Soul’s Wisdom

In the current evolutionary cycle of the Inner Leader Movement, we are being asked to amplify our soul resonance connections and apply the Divine downloads, guidance, and ancient wisdom tools we are being gifted daily. 

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Infinite Love Powers

Growing up in rural farmland, your neighbors three fields over or half mile away are your community family of support and love. Celebrating a good harvest with sharing meals, attending Grange meetings and church functions as well as learning key life skills in 4-H were consistent activities of a farming community.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Crescent Moon Magic and Valentine’s Day Heart Aches

Tonight I gaze through my window at the beautiful crescent moon waxing 22% of light. 22 is a powerful Angel number meaning “You are at a crucial point on your journey which will help you understand the relationships and spiritual assignments that will support your growth.”

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

There is Always Light

Due to a major storm and power outage here in California, our blog arrives a day late. Power was out for three days yet there was another power wanting to be recognized.

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Lisa A. Clayton Lisa A. Clayton

Full Moon in Leo

Our first full moon for this year will peak in the sign of Leo, the lion and lioness power within us. Full moons always illuminate what we need to release and finish yet also illuminate the wisdom we have gained since the last full moon to move forward.

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