Amplify and Apply Your Soul’s Wisdom
In the current evolutionary cycle of the Inner Leader Movement, we are being asked to amplify our soul resonance connections and apply the Divine downloads, guidance, and ancient wisdom tools we are being gifted daily.
The guidance and downloads are rapid now to open our souls to channels of information we know and don’t know. I have asked my Team to show me “how” to handle so much information and guidance. As I’m making my morning coffee, they are coming through in rapid speed. The answer was clear and direct.
“Slow up to take time to integrate, amplify and apply with the rhythms and light frequency of the coming Spring Equinox.
It's time to shine your magic as Mother Gaia’s spring season performs hers. You have this magic in the power centers of the soul. You haven’t been told or taught how to use them. Remember, the “how” is our job. This will be the current focus for the Inner Leader Movement creating new landscapes and earth experiences with your soul powers.”
March brings us a magic only nature beholds. It is the time to amplify and apply as we watch the earth come alive after months of dormancy of winter. If we cycle with the seasons as nature spirit beings, we can trust “how” to move forward and pace our Source-self with nature’s ways.
A beautiful poetic prose came forth vibrating with the energy of soul magic as told by nature’s narration.
Spring promises.
Daffodils bursting in abundant golden hues.
Standing brave and tall
After each rainstorm passes
Demonstrating an unfathomable resilience.
Glorious greens grace the hills.
Tree spirits sparkle in the morning dew
As the sun rises to gift its light
Twinkling with fairy humming.
Love connection with nature’s offerings
Feeds the heart with calm and hope.
Fuels the soul’s light.
As frequency rises high.
Fear dissipates.
Wonder and awe expands.
“All is well” they whisper.
Spirit Guides speak softly.
Listen closely.
As tree leaf buds appear like magic
In rhythm with seasonal light frequency
Electrifying soul circuits of wisdom.
Spring promises.
May you be inspired to amplify your soul by applying your Inner Leader light during this magical seasonal time.
For more information regarding your soul power and understanding the true nature of your magic, join our Inner Leader Patreon community. Here is where I give more Inner Leader Movement information, downloads, guided meditations and Astro-energy reports each week.