Infinite Love Powers
Growing up in rural farmland, your neighbors three fields over or half mile away are your community family of support and love. Celebrating a good harvest with sharing meals, attending Grange meetings and church functions as well as learning key life skills in 4-H were consistent activities of a farming community.
In our Inner Leader blog post today, I want to share a story of Infinite Love weaving powerful surprises with a soul resonate relationship.
Katie lived a few roads over and my family was very close to her family throughout generations of farming. Katie was born with a heart condition which put her at a disadvantage in a culture of doing, hard work and performing with physical abilities.
As a teacher of heart, I was in awe of Katie’s gentle spirit with an underlying fierceness for survival. She never withdrew when being judged or labeled “disabled.” She kept smiling and moving forward yet was very sensitive and vulnerable to her heart condition as medical officials always put fear prevention and predictions before possibilities of miraculous healing. Katie believed in the latter
As Katie grew up and entered her teenage years, our relationship became closer. I wrote her cards and letters of support and inspiration as I moved away. I always encouraged her to stay strong and true to her authentic self, no matter what others said or how they viewed her abilities. I was very involved emotionally and at a soul resonate level of connection with Katie. I knew, as an intuitive, we had many other lifetimes together. Katie was very special to me as a surrogate daughter, friend, and confidant.
As decades flew by, we lost close connection due to life’s twists and turns, fate, and fury with both our soul’s journey unfolding. Katie became involved in a long-term relationship, and I became single after a long-term marriage and started my own business.
The past few months I started viewing Katie’s social media posts expressing deep hurt, betrayal, and wounding. I was also going through similar endings with deep recovery and new beginnings happening simultaneously.
I held Katie in my heart yet felt the frustration of social media announcements of this nature, sharing with the world sensitive life situations. I also realized I didn’t reach out to Katie as her situation was mirroring my own. I was not ready to discuss with her or anyone what or who precipitated heart deep hurt and betrayal. Katie knew each of my family members very well and her allegiance to all would have created more conflicted feelings for her.
Then out of the blue last week, Katie reached out to me after losing all her possessions and her two beloved animal spirits, Leonard and Angel in a devastating house fire. Her message not only relayed her deep grief but one of a forever Infinite Love we share.
Sifting through only rubble ashes and small pieces of her home leveled, Katie discovered a box of letters and cards I had written to her over the years throughout her life. They were unharmed and not even water damaged. At the time of the discovery, it appeared these were the only things that survived the fire.
Upon Katie sharing this discovery with me, my heart started beating rapidly the ever-lasting heart beats of those words written in the name of love over the years. I was in awe Katie had saved those letters and cards for decades and moved with them several times. I was shockingly surprised they survived the fire.
After Katie shared with me this remarkable finding, it validated the teachings of the Inner Leader Movement with the AWE power of Infinite Love.
Above: We come from Divine Infinite Love. We are Divine Sovereign Beings on a soul mission on earth to be love, show love, speak love, and treasure the Infinite Love our soul possess. Our Above resources of Higher Self, Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and more are always available to remind us of our Infinite Love power.
Katie and her family believe that my father, “Big George” was watching out for those love letters and demonstrating his Infinite Love from Above. I also believe this to be true.
Within: Every act of kindness, compassion and love are recorded forever in the heart. Imprints of love are forever soul coded. The heart’s intuitive intelligence holds love memories, and they live with our human self for our lifetime here. They travel on with our Source-self soul forever.
Katie and I have a forever heart bond. Over many years and life situations, our Infinite Love connection never died, it was recorded in our hearts and activated in our soul codes. Through the power of Infinite Love, the written words of love, care, compassion, and support survived a raging fire.
Earth-below: As we connect with nature and Mother Gaia’s gifts, our Divine Infinite love grows and grows. We feel this Infinite Love every time we are in nature as Mother Gaia demonstrates to us every minute nature’s beauty, grace, and grandeur and at times fierceness of nature’s ways. We are nature spirit beings, with a heart and soul, who have the capacity to demonstrate love every minute we are here. The more we love, the higher our frequency and heart coherence vibration radiates out into the world.
I believe, there was some part of the natural elements of fire, water, air and earth that connected with Infinite Love’s power that saved the love letters. Demonstration of Infinite Love miracles in our Earth-below experiences are unlimited.
There is no greater force on this planet than love. Trust and know that every single word in every letter you write, text you send, in your conversations and interactions is imprinted with the Divine Infinite love connection. Forever. Always. Eternally carried on.
Katie and I are now reconnected and look forward to what our Infinite Love power will create in our lives now. Through a tragic fire and loss with a miraculous discovery, Infinite Love shines on.
For more information on connecting with your Infinite Love power and soul light, join our Inner Leader Patreon community where I share more details, downloads, and offerings from the Cosmic Collective and Angels.