Crescent Moon Magic and Valentine’s Day Heart Aches
Tonight I gaze through my window at the beautiful crescent moon waxing 22% of light. 22 is a powerful Angel number meaning “You are at a crucial point on your journey which will help you understand the relationships and spiritual assignments that will support your growth.”
Angels seem to be hanging off the tips of the moon making it like a playground teeter totter laughing with glee as the moon welcomes their joyful presence. Their message of “22” aligns completely with my life after a major move and removal of drama-filled relationships.
The Angels and Cosmic Collective keep reminding us to keep our eyes on the sky and feet planted firmly on the Earth. We don’t have to question why as intuitively we know the sky holds magic moments beyond what the mind can comprehend.
I’ve watched this moon passing over for the past three nights as I sit at my computer to write. Sinking into the horizon as the Earth rotates and becomes darker in the space it faces. It fills my heart with wonder and awe of how we are rotating in space with this magnificent space sky above us.
Today I was on edge and irritable. Indigo’s illness takes more and more attention as she deals with her blindness and wanting to explore this great outdoors with her other senses. I’m trying to record a meditation or do a video and she is barking at the gate to leave…now. I adjust, re-record, do a video over and know in the grand Divine plan Indigo will not be here for years to come. I learn a lot from her as she reminds me nature’s way is the only way we will ever come home to our soul.
I have human insecurities and not so high vibe days as every human does yet when I look to the sky and connect with the earth elements of the nature around me, I trust if I should leave this planet soon, these moments are what will carry my soul onward.
Today is the Americanized Valentine’s Day. I loathed this holiday as a child contributing my handmade valentine box which was usually a covered cereal box with cut-out paper hearts randomly pasted in hopes that perhaps I would win the class contest for best decorated? Hardly. When other parents crafted their child’s artistic boxes with moving objects and slick love themes walking away with first prize.
I remember the heart ache not receiving a valentine from the most popular girl or cutest boy in class. I remember the disappointed looks from many and the shrills from the thrills of the most popular receiving multitudes of Valentines.
I didn’t understand what this had to do with love. It appeared it was a popularity contest with mean intentions of leaving so many out.
When I was teaching in elementary school, I forbid the random giving out valentines to the popular and privileged or only the children in your social group. Every child cut out hearts in numbers according to how many students were in the class and gave a heart to everyone. It was not competitive or fun really. It was quite the suspicious activity of exchanging Valentines with kids you didn’t like, ones that hurt or bullied you, ones you never acknowledged or invited to be on your dodge ball team, yet it was probably the closest to giving a heart representing love some of those kids would ever experience.
Later in my life, I would question with my significant other relationships why flowers and love notes weren’t given each day or week or month of the year. Why on one day do we show our love represented by commercialism or a need to have a special meal together? I’ve had some of my worst Valentine Day experiences trying to create on my own the love I wasn’t receiving. This day brought more angst to my heart than the love it deserved.
So, I am NOT a valentine fan. Love is what we came here to do. We need to show it, model it and most of all love thyself every single day we are gifted to be here.
All we need is love. We need love every single minute of every single day. We don’t need one day a year to make this happen. We don’t need one day of the year to feel excluded, lonely, or unloved. How will you make Valentine’s Day every day of your life? If we told one person every day we love them, it would change the world.
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