There is Always Light
Due to a major storm and power outage here in California, our blog arrives a day late. Power was out for three days yet there was another power wanting to be recognized.
The power of the soul.
In the darkest of days and nights the soul’s light shines and grows brighter for us to see, sense, and experience the beauty of darkness and our light within.
One night, lying in bed in complete darkness, I thought the power came back on as I was seeing bright light outside. I opened my door and to my surprise the light came from each star in the clear night sky. Taking me back on a journey of our ancestors who used the sky as their guidance system both day and night. How we have forgotten the power in the sky with both the sun and stars as our light sources.
For this week’s blog, I was inspired by my experiences with the dark and light within along with a quote that arrived in my email this morning:
“Every single soul is a poem.”
In poetic prose, from my experience in the dark experiencing the soul’s light, wisdom, and guidance, may your soul’s light continue to bring forth hope and wisdom during the darkest hours.
There is light in the dark.
The soul knows it is there.
The stars remind us.
When the world goes dark
They are our guiding lights.
Candles flicker signals to the soul.
Fire in the hearth flashes rainbow colors.
Mesmerizing the mind to still
While the heart beats coherently
With each dancing flame.
The powers of invisible forces
Provide light circuits to soul knowing.
Only lying in complete darkness brings awareness.
As the heart finds a new rhythm
To align with Cosmic Heart soul sense frequency.
In the darkness ancient soul secrets
Create channels to Divine intelligence.
Lighting up wisdom chambers.
Illuminating soul codes for thresholds
To walk through trusting new landscape powers.
Honor and know the wisdom of dark.
There is always light.
Soul’s flame is eternal.
Starlight above never ends.
Fires we tinder on Earth fuel our heart light.
Shine on, my friends, and trust in the power of your soul light Above, your heart’s light Within and the fires you create on Earth-below illuminating AWE-You brilliance you possess.
Love and light,
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