Messages from our Guardian Angels
Now more than ever, Guardian Angels are appearing and signaling to us revealing their love and light presence.
There are new and different levels of protection we need currently. Systems have been and are presently falling apart, some rapidly and some with a slow decline. From family units, social unrest, corporate greed, and government corruption; all systems conditioned from the old paradigms of living in a hierarchical patriarchal world are crumbling. We placed our trust and hope into these systems to take care of us and to guide us through our lifetime.
Our energy and consciousness have shifted into our own Inner Leader reliance upon our intuition and soul knowing as we experience the breakdowns of the old systems.
Our Guardian Angels are not only providing protection from dangers in the external world, but they are also protecting our soul’s mission on earth at this time. They are assisting in “how” we are here to contribute and experience our soul evolution in this human vessel called a body.
There is a huge influx of Guardian Angels present now. Everyone has more than one Guardian Angel which I always sense at least two when I’m working with clients in Angel readings. They are always present on the right and left side of your human body. They create a powerful orbic field of light and love around your energy field.
I had a very “expanded awareness” soul knowing experience learning about my Guardian Angels during my ordination as an Angel Minister. We were told we had one Guardian Angel that would connect with us, and we would learn their name while we were at the ordination event. When I tapped in to connect with my one Guardian Angel, Archangel Michael, who I have channeled with for years, introduced me to a multitude of Angels from the Golden Realm.
There are hundreds of thousands of Angels that want to be of service. Archangel Michael introduced me to my “Cherub Angel Guardians” working with my soul mission of bringing forth the inner child wisdom through fun, joy, laughter and levity with people, places, and experiences on earth. The lead guardian of these beautiful Cherub Angels revealed her name as Shambala, and she is ever present in my life on so many levels.
Thus, our traditional teachings and understanding of Guardian Angels is much more expansive and powerful than ever before.
Here are the messages from the Guardian Angels I am honored to share with you today:
“Trust we are serving as wisdom guides and guardians of your energy and consciousness that are your most treasured possessions you own beyond anything the external material world.
We are providing all levels of protection with your energy and consciousness on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of your earth experience.
Allow us to help you unfold your soul’s blueprint so you can speak your truth and live authentically through your powerful Divine Sovereign essence.
We help you align your activities and create your earth experiences with the highest light frequencies and heart vibrations with other human beings, your work service and how you are contributing individually and collectively by creating a new reality based on love, kindness, compassion, equanimity, and diversity.
This is huge shift in our relationship with you. The age of soul consciousness is happening now on earth bringing forth your wisdom from past experiences of your present life and the soul wisdom you don’t know; the ancient wisdom that is needed in the emergence of the new operating systems aligned with earth’s evolution.
We are working overtime, with dutiful intent and in persistent manner to capture your attention through signs, synchronicities, opportunities, and rapid evolution.
We have been assigned to you with the soul agreement you made in light with us before you came to experience earth life. You know us well in light and we want you to know us well here on earth.
Feel, sense and visualize us with you in every waking moment and during dream time.”
May you trust in your Guardian Angels and learn to work with their guidance system which is being revealed to us every day we are gifted here on earth.
For more information of how you can work directly with your Guardian Angels and their protective guidance, sign up for an Angel oracle reading with me. I’d love to assist you in this powerful shift happening with our Angel Guides.