Honoring our Nature Spirit Being-ness
As the clocks moved forward and our upcoming Equinox bringing forth new birth of the spring season, I was reminded by the Cosmic Collective how important it is we honor our nature spirit being-ness.
Currently on earth, the priority focus is keeping our energy clear and coherent with a high frequency flowing from our heart area. Our core soul essence we carry within us loves to be in harmony with our heartbeat. Keeping our heart rate coherent through breathing and emotional regulation is the key to creating a high frequency toroidal field around our physical body.
Nature naturally vibrates at a high frequency. This is why we feel the most alive and uplifted when we are in nature receiving high frequency waves.
Our bodies are part of this earth plane and its nature kingdom. With the advancement of technology and our dependence upon artificial lighted screens, our nature spirit being-ness suffers.
Many years ago, as I was receiving downloads on Serenity Bluff, a beautiful cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean near Half Moon Bay, the Angels took me on an astral journey. They were teaching me about being an observer with my consciousness and energy field and going to higher dimensions to observe.
They took me out of my body to their observation dimension where I could witness human beings inside buildings and houses hypnotized by screens. Millions upon millions of humans were inside buildings robotically in trances bent over in front of computer and tv screens. They didn’t look alive.
The only light I saw was the light coming from those screens saturating the nature spirit being-ness of our beautiful essence. I was not only shocked from this view but very sad with an overwhelming nauseous feeling.
As I became grounded on the bluff once again, tears flowed. I felt the earth was crying too, as she needs us with her, around her, loving and nurturing her.
In this technology era, we are glued to screens for hours upon hours. The Angels said I was viewing a 24-hour time period on earth in my astral experience. It was shocking as I also felt such compassion for our Spirit Guides observing from above this happening to earth below.
I became aware with this out of body experience how important it is to honor our nature spirit being-ness by becoming less screen dependent and more nature dependent. What I observed and felt was an extremely low frequency in the energy fields of millions of people on earth glued to screens.
To navigate this chaotic and changing time on earth, we are being asked to keep our frequency and vibration at the highest levels. This helps us navigate through the lower 3rd dimensional energies that are being emitted by screens we work with and being carried in our hands and worn on our wrists.
How can we honor our nature spirit being-ness? Here are “Seven Soul Sense” guidance tips from the Cosmic Collective I’ve embraced working with keeping my nature spirit being at a high frequency and making it a priority in my life.
We are dependent upon our technology to do our jobs and to communicate our service offerings. Set up your computer near a window where you can have fresh air flowing in and take many deep heart focused breathing breaks. Natural light has a very high frequency so if windows aren’t available, take more breaks to be outside in natural light.
Surround your computer work area with plants, water fountains, aquariums, and soothing sounds of nature, especially water flowing.
Adopt a special tree or nature space near where you are working with screens. Feel their presence and energy flowing through you not only during breaks but when you are required to be back on a screen.
When in nature and outside buildings, stop looking at your phone to text or check emails. Observe the nature around you and take in its high vibration and frequency as your energy-frequency meals for the day, nourishing your nature spirit being.
When walking outside, keep your eyes on the sky and feet planted firmly on the ground feeling the gravitational magic of Mother Gaia holding you steady.
Practice going outside in the evening and look at the stars and connect with the moon and the celestial offerings the night sky brings to you. This is the best sleep elixir and brings your body back into a natural balance and rhythm with the earth.
Honor and give gratitude for your nature spirit being body at the end of a workday with all the ways you connected with nature to up your frequency level building a strong energy field around you.
Remember you are Source soul light. The light from your screens is a very low frequency with a hypnotic effect. You are more powerful than any screen. Refuel your nature spirit being-ness around the clock and radiate into the world around you with a high frequency of your soul essence. Shine on!
For more information and guidance on how to honor your nature spirit being-ness by raising your frequency and coherence, tune in to our Inner Leader Patreon community.