Peace, Harmony and Balance
Receiving daily transmissions from the Angelic Cosmic Collective since May 1st has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. Before this current life cycle, I channeled Angel messages from Serenity Bluff overlooking the grandeur of the Pacific ocean and near where I lived. Changes in life service with daily activities provided a new focus for receiving messages as Serenity Bluff was also eroding into the sea.
In my new home in higher elevations of mountain magic, transmissions are free flowing, and conversations are many with all nature spirit beings here on Earth and the light beings in other dimensions.
Today was a special transmission of “peace, harmony and balance” as it is also the birthday of my Grandmother Agnes who was the matriarch of our family. She was an amazing woman of her generation, having been widowed when my father was four and stood up to my grandfather’s greedy brothers to take over her farm. She stood strong becoming a land steward of her inherited husband’s land, obtained her teaching degree and raised my father while managing their livelihood. She modeled peace, harmony and balance on many different levels.
My grandmother would take me to her one-room schoolhouse where all students in grades one through eight shared in the learning. She would sit me in the front row, and I would be mesmerized how she worked the room with kind and compassionate ways yet with strict rules of order. I knew my soul was designed to be a teacher, and my grandmother helped me pave the way for my degrees and first teaching job in the school district where she eventually retired.
Today the Guides remind us that inner peace within ourselves, harmony with others, and balance of our evolutionary journey is more important than ever. They use codes of alchemy with the “power of three” setting the baseline for mastering these vibrations within our human selves while our Source self brings in light frequency to fuel our soular powers to remain balanced and strong.
As always, the transmission connects us with our Above, Within and Earth-below evolutionary process with guidance and beautiful wisdom.
Practices for AWE Peace, Harmony, and Balance
Peace: Starts with heart coherence and settling the nervous system so calm is achieved and receiving modes are activated. Heart powers are only activated through coherence thus practices of heart-focused breathing and focusing upon renewing emotions is of high importance to create peaceful waves from the heart to the brain encouraging calm, coherent thoughts and a neutrality state between heart and mind.
Harmony: The most harmonious relationship you can create is between your human self and Source self. This requires an alchemical process. You possess a natural state of alchemy which brings the purity of the Source-self illuminating the impurities of the human self so that the true essence of your soul thrives beyond conditioned beliefs and old paradigms. Your unique harmonious vibration you alchemize will activate more harmony with others.
Balance: Above, Within and Earth-below energies and consciousness will flow in harmony and peace when you practice a true balance between all three. You will work more and more with the “power of three” and once you do, all chaos and confusion is swept away by the soular powers of A*W*E.
Direct Transmission Closing Statements
“Waves of peace, harmony, balance are being high-lighted from all resources of Above, Within and Earth-below. There are no extreme anxieties or fear when the wave is fueled by all three, the base of alchemy. We are asking you to alchemize all three daily into waves of vibration within your heart and soul broadcasting high frequency bands into your energy fields around your body.
What wave(s) do you want to create and surf upon in this precious earth life? The choice is yours and we will continue to give you soul food to nourish your Source-self to alchemize with your human-self and Earth life. Alchemize and thrive!
May you embrace the energies, heart vibrations and soul frequencies of peace, harmony and balance as your Inner Leader shines on!
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