Create “Stillness Meetings” Daily

I am enjoying receiving transmissions each morning as the early dawn arrives. Our Inner Leader Cosmic Collective provides many channels to tune into. The Angels are the main facilitators or gatekeepers of the Cosmic channels that are resonate with our evolutionary state, our soul blueprint and soul mission.

The Angels always remind me it’s not important to know who is providing the information from the Above resources as millions of Spirit Guides exist. I’m learning more and more about the Above resources that make up the Cosmic Collective and am amazed by the clarity and specifics the incoming resource provides.


As a business entrepreneur with many meetings and client sessions, this Cosmic transmission on June 4th is a wonderful reminder on how to integrate more soul resonate moments each day.

The theme for this transmission is “Stillness=Peace=Soul Resonance.”

“As the world around you changes in dramatic ways which is necessary for a new civilization to evolve, making “stillness meetings” throughout your day will be important.

When you become still, you create an inner peace for your soul to illuminate a magnetic resonance for more peace, more love, more compassion, more unity consciousness beyond time and space.

The heart is the generator for the soul’s resonant light. Stillness requires complete connection with your heart which is as simple as breathing slowly into the heart area. This gives the heart and soul communion time to reset, recharge and revive your human being-ness.

You WILL magnetize and attract resonate souls in human form and in nature to support and expand your soul specific mission. It is Universal law that in stillness, inner peace becomes a state of being in harmony and connection with your soul. 

Your soul is perfect, whole and completely Infinite Love. Infinite Love has a very high resonate field so when you create stillness meetings throughout your day, inner peace produces soul resonant fields of light frequency highly attuned to Infinite Love broadcasting waves beyond dense dimensions.

Here is where we can connect with you fully in assisting you to read and take action in alignment with your soul blueprint.

It’s quite simple and a necessary practice, protocol and focus for each waking day. Make Stillness Meetings part of your daily schedule and experience the magic and miracles resulting. 

Seek not and trust your intuitive knowing as you are the creator of your life experiences soul generated always. 

As Above, So Below. As Within, So Becomes. Stay Connected, You’re Protected. We love you!”

Many blessings for this new moon cycle beginning on June 6. If you would like to know more about the energies and consciousness of this new moon cycle and daily transmissions, join our Inner Leader Patreon community. This is where I share more details and offerings for your Inner Leader guidance system.

Join us for heart and soul adventures!


Summer Soul Sensations


The Heart of Angels