The Heart of Angels
In April I was given specific guidance to channel new messages and information from the Angelic realm who are the main facilitators for the Cosmic Collective; a group of spiritual beings assigned to the Inner Leader Movement.
Every morning since May 1, before my feet hit the ground, I pick up my pen and journal after a brief connection with the Angels and I transcribe their messages. These messages are rich, expansive filled with new information about Angel frequencies and how their roles have changed as Earth evolves.
I will be creating “Soul Sanctuary” sessions for these messages to be communicated and integrated into our daily lives. Stay tuned for these unique June offerings.
For now, I’m honored to share the transmission from May 7th called “The Heart of Angels.”
Breathe deeply into your heart.
Exhale slowly.
Rise up on your inhale.
Ground down on your exhale.
Our hearts of love light are Cosmic hearts aligned with yours.
Your heartbeats are signals for us.
Calm coherent or nervous and anxious. both send a signal for our assistance.
When hearts are calm, coherent, our vibration is strong.
When hearts are nervous and anxious, it takes longer to reach you.
Your heart is your greatest portal, a powerful receptor for our messages to reach you.
Coherency is not just a tool or technique, it is a necessity, essential life force.
Your Cosmic Heart soul sense is your Universal life force.
Coherent waves are for the human vessel, human-self.
Cosmic waves are for the soul, Source-self.
BOTH must work together in synchronized breath, thought and emotion.
Soul language is translated through coherent heart beats.
Listen closely to each beat.
The magic and electricity of each heartbeat signals the soul to speak.
Your soul senses are lit up or dimmed with each heartbeat.
We naturally flow glow with a coherent, calm heart.
We wait patiently when your heart is nervous, anxious responding to fear stimuli you have been conditioned and trained in for most of your Earth life.
Your Guardian Angels are the overseers when your heart becomes anxious and fearful graciously giving you more and more protection from fearful energy sources.
You attract, magnify and amplify all energy with your heart which is multidimensional.
An anxious, nervous heart is beating with 3rd and sometimes 4th dimensional energies based on fear.
A calm coherent heart is beating with 5th dimensional energies and beyond.
Our Cosmic hearts are beyond dimensions as they travel at light frequency speeds to any star system.
We help you travel and navigate Earth life and star life with both hearts, your human heart and Soul Cosmic heart.
“Heart and Soul” is a term you use on Earth especially in the music you create.
However, it is a frequency that assists you in Cosmic travel, astral travel.
We are thrilled you are learning this as we can assist, guide, extract soul knowing with you instantly!
When you are consciously aware and activate human heart coherence plus Cosmic heart frequency, this is your true “Soul-ar star” system for navigation.
Every evolution cycle happening needs a heart and soul GPS guidance system to lead you through Earth’s experiences.
We are Master Guides in the heart and soul GPS system for you now.
Tune in. Tune up. Listen. Move forward with your Inner Leader guidance system shining bright.
We end each transmission with our Angel heart affirmations, “Stay Connected. You’re Protected. As Above, So Below. As Within, So Becomes.”
How beautiful, powerful and soul aligned are these Angel messages for what we are experiencing on Earth now.
Thus, for this month I’m offering 15 and 30-minute Angel Frequency readings for you to tune up and tune
in with the Angels. It’s also perfect timing to experience the magic May always brings us.
Book your session here: