Current Energy Updates and Cosmic Collective Insights

As we close a huge cycle of Astro-energy events and embarking upon the height of spring with the celebration of Beltane/May Day, the Cosmic Collective, the star system assigned to the Inner Leader Movement provided these insights.

The latest planetary cosmic “bursts” of unveiling deep shadow emotional recessions required going deep within.

The activation of neutrality never experienced beyond what a void or funk or depression feels like brought a vacuum of stillness, silent movement speaking to nature allowing the non-doing to take new roots.

Soul flashes appear highlighting old habits, patterns, conditioning of subconscious knowing and non-knowing, yet this energy exists and attaches to every thought and emotional triggers.

Heightened and expanded awareness during soul flashes releases the patterns and emotions rapidly.

Behaviors, mostly control, manipulation and perfection are called out.

Listen. The Spirit Guide’s voices are louder. They assist the soul flashes in “screenshot” scenarios for the old needing to be released.

Take note of this question we have for you: “How many more examples do we have to give you before you waste any more of your wealth currency?”

Your wealth currency is your precious energy.

Here are some examples of how we view you wasting your wealth currency: 

  • Asking repeatedly “what if.”

  • Allowing sabotaging thoughts devalue your worth. 

  • Not noticing subconscious behaviors emerging and continuing to act and speak from the old programming in daily interactions.

Take these impurities out of your wealth currency of energy and consciousness NOW.

Bring forth your pure, powerful essence which holds your alchemist traits and skills of magic.

Cancel, clear, delete running programs from the subconscious which are not aligned with your alchemy power.

The Earth needs your powerful essence to shine and radiate wisdom and light codes your soul possesses. Remember your alchemist powers. You have them. Use them now.

For more information with tools, techniques, and protocols on how to move forward in your evolutionary journey, join our Patreon Inner Leader community where weekly updates, guided meditations, downloads and activities are held.


The Heart of Angels


Full Moon Musings: Evolutionary Guidance, Light Codes Update and Release-Receive Transformation