Full Moon Musings: Evolutionary Guidance, Light Codes Update and Release-Receive Transformation
Dipping into the reservoirs of our shadow, we discover the ability to release to a full moon’s energy. Its illumination draws us into the tidal waves of our nature spirit being-ness.
Each full moon we experience, activates the tidal waves of water within us with an ebb and flow. We are releasing and receiving simultaneously as we connect with the full moon’s illumination and power.
Just as waves in the ocean crash up against a strong rocky shore, our Source-self stands strong and resilient as the waves of heart intuitive intelligence and soul knowing consciousness release what is no longer needed.
Releasing what no longer serves our highest good does not necessarily have to painful yet it is not easy as the mind-ego has been well trained in conditions not aligned with our Divine Sovereign essence. It’s a never-ending process that takes commitment and practice to honor expanded awareness when the old ways surface and healing powers we possess are once again activated and remembered.
Full moons open portals of our higher consciousness knowing so we can release the old and receive the new in each aspect of our energy domains; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
A full moon always reminds us as Inner Leaders:
Above: Our non-physical beings of love and light always are here to support us and our beloved planet Earth. Angels are ever present and master facilitators of Earth’s evolution.
Within: We are the creators of our reality. Carefully watch thoughts and words. Release-receive. Repeat.
Earth-below: We are alchemists. We are here to transform dense, misaligned negative energy whenever or however it appears.
In this present evolutionary time on Earth, full moons give us light codes triggered by galactic vibrations and energy. The same type of light codes is generated by solar flares, eclipses and key planetary conjunctions, squares and retrogrades. Our physical bodies are transforming, transmuting, and transcending to light bodies as we receive these light frequencies. Huge recalibrations are happening, and full moons activate the ebb and flow of these recalibrations within our body’s intelligence system.
Under full moon influences, we realize we are conscious cosmic members of the Universe, and we are here to anchor and leave light codes. When we commit to practices of our Inner Leader guidance light system, we create the opportunity for the light codes of evolution to be available to the collective consciousness.
Yes, it’s that easy to make a difference in our world. The Angels always remind us, “Earth life is quite simple to experience for your Source-self evolution, however your human-self makes it quite complicated.”
May each full moon illuminate your Inner Leader light system for evolving with greater ease, grace, harmony, and love.
Join our Inner Leader Full Moon Circles held each month via Zoom.
Dates and registration are available on our website under Upcoming Events