Aligning with Your Higher Self: The Power of Heart Coherence and Nature


We are being urged to learn to connect and communicate with our Higher Self every day. Our Higher Self is the extension of our soul inhabiting the higher dimensional planes where we reside when we leave the human vessel. 

Being in a coherent state is a prerequisite for the connection to happen. The heartbeat not only creates an electromagnetic field outside the body, it transmits the soul’s light. When the heartbeat is coherent the transmission is clear and direct. 

Once you feel a connection by visualizing your soul light traveling from your heart to the higher dimensions, then listen. Be still and listen to only your breathing. Clear mind thoughts and sense on the in breath your Higher Self coming to you. 

As humans, we think we must do all the work and make things happen. Allowing your Higher Self to come to you on your inhale breaths can be magical. On the exhale, sense your soul light saying thank you while feeling total release and relief. 

Keep listening and open your clairaudience soul sense to hear sounds, your clairvoyance to see colors, your clairsentience to feel chills or warmth, your claircognizance to take in the wisdom and guidance your soul knows. 

The first few connections you may not hear or interpret messages but eventually you will. Usually, the messages are very brief and direct. My Higher Self continually says, “keep it simple. Don’t rush. Take your time. Breathe.” 

Other times, I receive complete downloads transmitting concepts, Universal truths, guidance and wisdom known and unknown. 

Be patient and keep practicing connecting and communicating with your Higher Self as a daily habit. The results will surprise you and give you deep inner peace knowing you have Divine Intelligence streaming to you throughout the day. 


Breathing is being emphasized as the number one stress release from switching external controlling internal operating system of heart’s intuitive intelligence and soul knowing. The Guides are asking us to always breathe into our hearts to create a neutral, calm and coherent state and then respond.

We are on information overload with thousands of opinions and views on just one event. When hearing external happenings, start breathing into your heart slow and deep to set your heart as a portal for receiving Higher guidance and activating responses instead of extreme reactions. 

We are human. We will react and express our feelings, yet it is important to reset the emotional-mental operating system so the new operating system can respond. The new operating system is our heart’s intuitive intelligence activating our soul knowing. 

And once again, it begins with breathing into the heart slow and deep. It’s that simple.


Our Guides are encouraging us to spend as much time in nature as possible. Our body is a nature spirit being and needs extra care as body intelligence increases with light frequency. 

We are feeling more physical ailments with aches, pains, headaches, exhaustion and symptoms we have never experiences. As we tune in as a nature spirit being, our body intelligence activates what is needed. 

But first we must come out of the old belief system of how to treat physical pain and symptoms. We are conditioned to call our doctor and ask for medical advice. We let the mind control go into “thinking” conditions or disease we may have. 

These old belief systems also carry the genetic theories such as if your mother or father or their parents had a condition or disease, you were destined to have the same. Take time to explore Bruce Lipton’s research and findings how this is a falsehood as the power of our own healing has been suppressed. His books “The Biology of Belief” and “Spontaneous Evolution” have been huge influences in my life and approach to healing thyself. 

Working first by tuning in and listening to what the body is transmitting is important. And usually when I’m tuning into my body, the first guidance is to clear my energy fields of anyone attached to mine. This clears the field, so your energy is directed towards healing guidance. 

I rarely discuss any physical ailment I may be experiencing with my family as immediately they attach their belief system and energy to mine. It takes more time and effort to clear my energy fields than spending time to tune in and listen for wisdom known and unknown as well as guidance from my Higher Self and Team.

Being in nature attunes our bodies so we can integrate higher frequencies nature emits and light sources. Mother Gaia is communicating with us through nature currently and she is evolving rapidly. Sensing her vibrational shifts and gravitational force field is important to do at this time. 

We don’t have to figure anything out when we are in nature. Our thoughts slow up and our heart feels the soul resonance of the trees, birds, plants, flowers, animals, clouds, sun, and all nature offers wherever we experience it. 

Pay attention to how your “sensing” increases and how your thoughts and emotions calm as the heart receives soul vibrations. 

May Above, Within and Earth-below resources, energy and consciousness bring you to the potential and gifts your AWE-you possesses. 

For more information on heart coherence and soul evolution using the AWE circuitry please join our Inner Leader Patreon community where I  provide transmissions, practices with proven techniques, guided meditations and more.


AWE Magic Mantras