AWE Magic Mantras

Each month, close to a new or full moon, beautiful AWE magic mantras are received to align with the present Earth energy, soul consciousness states and our heart’s power. 

May these mantras bring magic to your life as they are divinely designed to activate your heart’s intuitive intelligence and soul wisdom for your evolutionary journey of now. 

ABOVE: My Divine Higher Self is a natural connection I have as I visualize and sense the radiant extension of my soul light touching the stars.

WITHIN: I sense and honor the sacredness of my Divinity in each breath and heartbeat as I move, dream, play, create and contribute to this lifetime gifted to me. 

EARTH-BELOW: I allow my nature spirit body’s healing power to align and attune with the seasonal rhythms of Mother Gaia’s healing ways powered with Star Sun’s light, magical moon cycles and a galaxy of planet influencers. 

More in-depth application ways and guided meditations using magic mantras are offered in our Inner Leader Patreon community. We would love for you to join us!


Aligning with Your Higher Self: The Power of Heart Coherence and Nature


AWE Wisdom Ways