HeartMath® Workshop for Groups
The Resilience Advantage™
Large Groups, Small Teams or Individual Gatherings: Skills for Personal and Professional Effectiveness
Your HeartMath® certified trainer, Lisa A. Clayton will introduce you to this skill-based program where you will learn practical tools and strategies to strengthen resiliency and improve decision-making. Based upon the Institute of HeartMath® research into the physiology of optimal performance, you will learn concrete practices that increase well-being, mental clarity and emotional stability.
The workshop includes HeartMath® The Resilience Advantage™ workbook and job aids.
The workshop is delivered as a one-day program from 6-8 hours.
Note: For most organizations focusing upon a department, management team or Executive level team building, two three-hour sessions are recommended with three weeks in between for practice and mentoring with your team members. The workshop is done on-site or in a designated location provided by the organization.
The workshop is highly interactive and fun, based on Lisa’s years of experience in facilitating human development workshops and behavioral learning training sessions. You will learn:
the latest findings from optimal-performance research
skills for building resilience in the face of change and uncertainty
intelligent energy self-regulation techniques
how to better access intuition for improved decision-making
practical ideas for easily integrating valuable tools into everyday routines
Investment for Business
$3500 for one-day workshop or two half-day sessions which includes all materials and job aids.
Follow-up refresher sessions are available after the program at $350/hour.
Maximum enrollment for one-day workshop is 25 people.
Investment for Community Groups and Non-Profits
To be determined collaboratively with project or community event leaders for special rates.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the workshop be shortened to one or two hour modules?
Yes. The workshop would be offered in three weekly sessions for two-hour modules and six weekly sessions for one-hour modules. This works best with small groups that are committed to attending all sessions that are scheduled each week. Most organizations require mandatory attendance to each session or make-up sessions are scheduled at an extra charge.