Volume 1: Source-Force, Cosmic Heart, Infinite Love
One day you wake up and the deep hurt is gone.
Disappeared magically with no feelings attached.
The soul has spoken.
Liberated freedom prevails.
Forgiveness takes a strange turn.
Fueled by the essence of your Source-self.
Is it that easy?
Yes. Bless your yes, your Source-self yes.
You weren’t put on this earth to be devalued.
You aren’t designed to give, give, give without receiving.
Your soul mission is not to change others.
Others’ journey is their own and not your responsibility.
You aren’t here to be accepted or acknowledged.
You aren’t here to please or satisfy your parents.
You aren’t here to take on your siblings fear and lack of self love.
You are here to bring your soul gifts to the light.
You are here to be the master of your soul destiny and the creator of your Earth life reality.
You are here to seed the light codes of a love revolution.
The Source Force, Godliness is Within you.
The Source Force streams from Above flowing Infinite Love to your Cosmic heart.
The Source Force is Earth-below holding you in graceful yet powerful gravity of Mother Gaia’s Cosmic Heart.
The Cosmic Heart connection is real.
Its circuitry of energy and consciousness is life sustaining.
Cosmic Heart Infinite Love flowing, glowing and moving through your body, mind, heart and soul.
Trust the AWE circuitry you are.
Above. Within. Earth-below.
It is electrifying and lights up the way.
Honor and respect every minute you are gifted here to be the AWESOME light and love soul rider in a human form.
Radiate your Cosmic Heart love with every breath and never accept any thought, emotion or belief system you are less than AWE-YOU-SOME.
Love holds the answers your soul knows.
You are the Infinite Love light the world needs now.
Shine on!