This past weekend…
I crashed into a wall. A wall of anger, frustration, and judgment in which my body responded. I woke up with my head throbbing and my throat vibrating on a different baritone volume. I ached all over. My body was telling me to stop and deal with the wall I crashed into by canceling, clearing, and deleting any thoughts of disease-related illness.
So, I canceled, cleared, and deleted all my obligations and invitations. I canceled, cleared, and deleted any notions of any dis-ease in my body. I canceled, cleared, and deleted the imposed responsibilities with guilt and blame I place upon myself to be serving and giving more and more during this time.
My body gave me every indication to stop and take retreat. Our bodies are an amazing magical barometer for assessing what activity to do next. My mind was resisting my intuitive guidance reminding me the year was already half over and I needed to do more to achieve my business goals.
Yet, I tuned in, listened, and followed my intuition which told me to stop and take inventory. Rest. Find peace. Rest some more. Find more peace. And when I tune in, beautiful downloads always come through in which I love to write and share with our Inner Leaders.
By following my intuition and resting for two days with gardening and cooking in between, I received a “Top Ten” intuitive guidance list to navigate the dense and thick energy of our 3-D group consciousness.
Make stronger connections with your Higher Self and Guides. You are always connected yet now is the time to strengthen your connection and listen closely. Your Guides need to be asked as they know your free will principle, so ask them to join in each day. They are always wanting to assist. You are the one that disconnects from them. They never disconnect from you yet need you to give them permission to join you.
When confusion and uncertainty creep in, ask your Higher Self and Guides, “What do I need to know now?” Feel with your heart and call it in.
It’s not always the time to fly. It’s important to take time to tuck in your wings and find peace, harmony, and calm.
Feel into the vastness of Infinite Love you are beyond the human being aspect. Know you are vast and live it.
Raise your vibration yet stay in the middle lane with a slow steady pace. Raising your vibration steadily shifts your consciousness from ordinary to non-ordinary with transcendence for connection to the amazing Cosmic consciousness.
What is the number one lower vibration cause? Judgement! It lowers your vibration immediately. You are conditioned in judgment from families, culture, schools, work environments; almost every system on earth is based on judgment. Raise your vibration when you notice judgment. If not, you will be vibrating at the lower consciousness and walking through the minefields of group consciousness emotions. This is why you are feeling off balance as your soul isn’t designed to be vibrating at a lower frequency. Ever.
The most damaging judgment is self-judgment. You are the consciousness of your body's experiences, and it will respond accordingly to your thoughts and emotions. When you don’t feel well physically, something is out of balance emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Connect and tune in.
Transcendence is resurrection energy that takes you to consciousness expansiveness. As you use transcendence energy to connect with your Higher Self and Guides, it buries fear and gives it a final death notice.
One of your soul roles is to support Mother Gaia in her ascension process as she shifts her consciousness. Mother Gaia is Divine Feminine energy and is dependent upon women to awaken and bring forth a deeper sense of compassion and kindness that is needed now. Honor your role with excited anticipation for all women on earth currently.
The Universe loves you. The soul-star families in light send their love. Relax. Be open. Receive. There is so much love-light pouring on to the planet right now from higher dimensions and is bright, clean, and clear. Hold space for this energetic aspect of you to reference this love and see the world from a different perspective.
We are being given the gift of transcendence during this time so we can rise above the lower vibration of 3-D without dodging or running through the land mines of emotions in chaos and confusion. We are rising from the death of old paradigms and systems that gave us the thinking to be something we are not.
Now, more than ever, our intuition centers of head, heart, and gut are of utmost importance to guide us across the transcendence bridge to create our life experiences. Higher consciousness is fueled by our intuitive knowing so trust it. We don’t want our unconscious patterns, old thought patterns, and negative emotions to create a world we don’t want to live in. We are responsible for our consciousness states so allow intuition to be the inner compass guiding the magic and power of Source-self.
With creating expanded awareness of consciousness to trust and model the Top Ten intuitive guidance, living in the age of intuition becomes thrilling and rewarding as we navigate each day.